Collaboration is a key component of problem-solving. When multiple people come together to tackle a problem, they bring different perspectives and skills, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions. However, coordinating the efforts of a group can be time-consuming and difficult, especially when time is limited. One tool that can help with this is the Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ), a methodology for solving problems collaboratively in a short amount of time.
The Lightning Decision Jam is a variation of the Design Jam, a methodology that is often used in the design and innovation fields. The LDJ is designed to be completed in one hour and is broken down into six steps:
- Define the problem: This step is all about making sure everyone understands the problem that needs to be solved. It is important to keep the problem definition as clear and concise as possible, so that everyone is on the same page.
- Generate ideas: Once the problem is defined, the next step is to generate as many ideas as possible. This step should be done in a brainstorming format, with no idea being too silly or unrealistic. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, not to evaluate them.
- Refine ideas: After the brainstorming session is over, the next step is to refine the ideas that were generated. This step should be done in a small group format, and the goal is to take the raw ideas and turn them into more concrete solutions.
- Decide on the best solution: After the ideas have been refined, the next step is to decide on the best solution. This step should be done in a group format, and the goal is to come to a consensus on the best solution.
- Take action: Once the best solution has been chosen, the next step is to take action. This step should involve creating a plan for implementing the solution, as well as assigning tasks to the group members.
- Reflect: The final step is to reflect on the process. This step should involve discussing what worked well and what could be improved upon, as well as collecting feedback from the group members.
The key to success with the LDJ is to keep the process moving quickly and to limit the amount of discussion and debate. By sticking to the one-hour time limit and following the six steps, the group will be able to generate and implement solutions in a short amount of time.
Additionally, to make the most of the Collaboration in LDJ, you can encourage few best practices.
- Encourage participation from everyone, and make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to share their ideas
- Take breaks if necessary, to prevent group members from getting burned out
- Be flexible and willing to pivot if the group comes across an idea that is not working
- Create a positive and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas
Lightning Decision Jam is a powerful tool for solving problems collaboratively in a short amount of time. By following the six steps and keeping the process moving quickly, the group can generate and implement solutions in a relatively short amount of time. Additionally, Encourage best practices during the process will empower your team to work seamlessly and productively.